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Stats |
Skills |
Skill Ascension |
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Lv | HP | Atk | Def | CritRate% | CritDMG% | Bonus CritDMG% | Materials | Total Materials |
1 | 977 | 27.93 | 61.62 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 0% | ||
20 | 2535 | 72.45 | 159.85 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 0% | 1 3 3 20000 | 1 3 3 20000 |
20+ | 3373 | 96.4 | 212.69 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 0% | ||
40 | 5046 | 144.24 | 318.26 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 0% | 3 2 10 15 40000 | 1 13 18 60000 3 2 |
40+ | 5642 | 161.25 | 355.8 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 9.6% | ||
50 | 6491 | 185.53 | 409.35 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 9.6% | 6 4 20 12 60000 | 1 33 18 120K 9 6 12 |
50+ | 7285 | 208.21 | 459.41 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 19.2% | ||
60 | 8143 | 232.73 | 513.52 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 19.2% | 3 8 30 18 80000 | 1 63 18 200K 9 14 30 3 |
60+ | 8738 | 249.75 | 551.06 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 19.2% | ||
70 | 9604 | 274.49 | 605.66 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 19.2% | 6 12 45 12 100K | 1 108 18 300K 9 26 30 9 12 |
70+ | 10199 | 291.51 | 643.2 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 28.8% | ||
80 | 11074 | 316.53 | 698.42 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 28.8% | 6 20 60 24 120K | 1 168 18 420K 9 46 30 9 36 6 |
80+ | 11670 | 333.55 | 735.96 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 38.4% | ||
90 | 12552 | 358.77 | 791.61 | 5.0% | 50.0% | 38.4% |
Active Skils
通常攻撃・命を紡ぐ火JP0B | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
最大4段の連続攻撃を行う。 一定のスタミナを消費し、前方により強力な烈曜斬りを1回発動する。 空中から落下し地面に衝撃を与える。経路上の敵を攻撃し、落下時に範囲ダメージを与える。JP0B | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
称名の刻JP0B | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
「闘争」の権能を借り、人神が受け継ぐ「諸火武装」を召喚し、夜魂性質の 発動後、マーヴィカは夜魂値を上限まで回復し、夜魂の加護状態に入る。 一回押しと長押しによって、形態の異なる諸火武装を解放する。 「神名解放」:諸火武装は焚曜の輪の形態で顕現する。焚曜の輪はフィールド上キャラクターに追従し、一定時間ごとに周囲の敵を攻撃し、夜魂性質の 「古名解放」:諸火武装は双駆輪の形態で顕現する。この状態にある時、マーヴィカは双駆輪を操縦して高速移動したり、双駆輪に隠されている予備の推進モジュールをオンにし、各種地形を一時的に駆け抜けたり、空中を一時的に滑翔したりできる。同時に、マーヴィカの通常攻撃、重撃、落下攻撃ダメージは元素付与によって他の元素に変化しない夜魂性質の 夜魂の加護状態にある時、元素スキルボタンを一回押しすると、諸火武装の形態を切り替えられる。諸火武装はマーヴィカの夜魂の加護状態が終了すると消える。夜魂値が尽きた時、マーヴィカの夜魂の加護状態は終了する。 もしマーヴィカに、双駆輪に似たものは他の世界では、標識としてナンバープレートを付ける必要があると伝えたら、彼女はそれでも歓喜をあげてこう言うだろう—— 「ふふ、この世で唯一のものだから、ナンバー選び放題なのでは?」JP0B | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
燼天の時JP0B | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
人々の心の声を、高天の神座まで届かせる。 マーヴィカの戦意が50%以上の時、マーヴィカはすべての戦意を消費し、元素爆発を発動できる。 マーヴィカは以下の方法で戦意を獲得する。 ・戦闘状態にある時、付近にいるチーム内キャラクターが消費した夜魂値はマーヴィカの戦意に変換される。 ・付近にいるチーム内キャラクターの通常攻撃が敵に命中した時、マーヴィカは戦意を1.5獲得する。この効果は0.1秒毎に1回のみ発動可能。 発動後、マーヴィカは夜魂値を10獲得し、夜魂の加護状態に入る。さらに、双駆輪に乗って空中に跳び上がり、地面にいる敵に強力な墜日斬りを1回発動し、夜魂性質の 継続期間中、マーヴィカの各種行動は夜魂値を消費しなくなり、マーヴィカの中断耐性がアップする。同時に、元素爆発を発動時の戦意を基に、墜日斬りおよび「古名解放」時の通常攻撃と重撃ダメージをアップする。 死生の炉状態はマーヴィカの退場時に解除される。 「——しかし此度の戦いで、その運命を打ち破りたいのだ。」JP0B | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Passive Skills
生活天賦 | |
チームが発動する夜魂トランスのクールタイム-20%。 |
夜域の賜物・枯渇モードJP0B | |
夜魂値が尽きると、マーヴィカは代わりに燃素を消費して諸火武装・双駆輪を維持する。 燃素を利用できるナタのエリアにいる時、「夜魂トランス:マーヴィカ」を行える。フィールド上にいるキャラクターがダッシュ、登攀、泳ぎ、特定の天賦による移動状態にある、または一定の高さの空中にいる時、マーヴィカに切り替えて登場すると次の効果が発動する。マーヴィカが夜魂の加護状態に入り、マーヴィカの夜魂値上限の50%分の夜魂値を獲得する。自身のチームにおいて、夜魂トランスは10秒毎に1回のみ発動可能。JP0B |
炎花の貢物JP0B | |
付近にいるチーム内キャラクターが「夜魂バースト」を起こした時、マーヴィカの攻撃力+35%、継続時間10秒。JP0B |
「キオンゴズィ」 | |
元素爆発 |
夜の主の授記JP0B | |
マーヴィカの夜魂値上限が120になり、かつ戦意の獲得効率+25%。 また、戦意を獲得した後、マーヴィカの攻撃力+40%、継続時間8秒。JP0B |
灰燼の代償JP0B | |
夜魂の加護状態にある時、マーヴィカの基礎攻撃力+300。さらに、諸火武装の形態に応じて、対応する効果を獲得する。 ・焚曜の輪:近くの敵の防御力-20%。 ・双駆輪:マーヴィカの攻撃力を基に、マーヴィカの通常攻撃と重撃の与えるダメージをアップする。攻撃力が1につき、マーヴィカの通常攻撃ダメージ+1、重撃ダメージ+1.5。JP0B |
燃える太陽JP0B | |
元素爆発 最大Lv.15まで。JP0B |
「指導者」の覚悟JP0B | |
固有天賦「キオンゴズィ」の効果が強化される。 元素爆発 固有天賦「キオンゴズィ」を解放する必要がある。JP0B |
真実の意味JP0B | |
元素スキル 最大Lv.15まで。JP0B |
「人の名」解放JP0B | |
元素スキル ・焚曜の輪:焚曜の輪の攻撃が敵に命中した時、双駆輪が命中した敵に突進し、攻撃力200%分の夜魂性質の ・双駆輪:マーヴィカが双駆輪に乗っている時、焚曜の輪はマーヴィカに追従し続け、3秒毎に周囲の敵に攻撃力400%分の夜魂性質の マーヴィカが双駆輪に乗っている、かつ戦闘状態でない時、マーヴィカの夜魂値が5まで下がると、マーヴィカは夜魂値を80獲得する。この効果は15秒毎に1回のみ発動可能。JP0B |
Skill Ascension
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251 responses to “マーヴィカ”
Was thinking of coming back just for her, but after reading her ult I see it’s another Fontaine-type character that relies on a regional gimmick to function, so I would have to also get one or two other characters from this region and she probably wouldn’t work with a lot of the characters I own from back when I still played.
Insanely bad game design especially for a gacha game, pretty much bars me from coming back.
As far as I can tell the Nightsoul gimmick isn’t even interesting, it just automatically functions in the background if you have enough Natlan characters. Dumb.
All the people that skipped multiple banners/characters for Mavuika, only to find out that she’s a MainDPS (first punch) that wants Natlan teammates (gutpunch) and is more of an onfielder than an off-fielder/support (uppercut). Meaning that beyond the surface level “need a unit to apply off-field pyro” niche which is almost completely secondary, she doesn’t really add to the meta in any interesting directions beyond new pyro dps go brrr (Mavuika rides off on motorcycle with a somewhat off-putting modern design, leaving your battered body in the rearview mirror).
Some people even skipped Xilonen for her, my heart goes out to them.
Not here to doompost but I hope the beta cycle doesn’t push her further down this lane, since its been worn out for ages. I love the idea of Mavuika having a Raiden “enabler+dps” design philosophy, but this is just not it… it’s been years y’all.
Why is the Pyro Archon so scared of Benny and the almighty OPPA she’d rather compete with a Harbinger???
Already pre-farm for mavuika, the upgrade material data provided here is legit or not?
She’s going to be my sub-dps for Kinich and she’s going to LIKE IT
You don’t need to level up her Normal Attack at all right?
I’m not sure why homoverse are making her such a weak support but a strong dps like we need more of those. Trying to make her a second Raiden is flopping, at least Raiden Shogun is very balanced when it comes to being a damage dealer or being a support. She would either powercreep everyone to oblivion or she would get powercreep, by the next lab (love) rat of homoverse if they continue the route of her being an on-field damage dealer..
Actually, by my opinion, making such a beautiful character an off-field would dissapoint a lot of not “meta” players, such as me, and lots of other ppl, so basically they had to make her on field
Well, they just could make Xilonen-like kit, when she can be both on-field DPS and support (or sub-DPS in Mavuika’s case). And still while Mavuika is on-field, you don’t even see her properly.. 100% off her on-field attacks are on a huge bike with small Mavuika riding it.
Her clothes simply merge with the bike into one spot, the only thing that remains of Mavuika is the fire where her hair should be, but Mavuika herself as such is practically invisible, she is simply lost against the background of this motorcycle. I don’t understand why it was impossible to maintain a balance and make it 50:50 with Mavuika on the bike and with Mavuika fighting without this huge thing, so that she could at least be seen
Dude, it’s so cool when you call them homoverse. Like frfr giving me chills.
small question, does anyone know if she will outdamage neuvillette?
It has been stated many times why Neuvilette is such a great dps: aoe. Unless Mavuika would get the same, or better, area coverage the the otter himself, she would only powercreep him in 1v1 or small aoe fights; like Arlecchino and Mualani.
Does not matter at all, she could deal 4 times the dmg nauv does but doesnt changes what both of them are doing and are not competing for the same spot nor element nor gameplay style nor team requirements
My guy. It’s a dps slot. If they do 4 times the damage, why the fuck would you bring neuvilette? To match colors? What is this fucking my little pony? you match the elements to INCREASE THE DAMAGE.
Just gotta have that rainbow no matter what for that care bear beam?
why does this concern you and those people so much…
Uh.. No one knows? It’s just V2 beta…… Today she can be stronger than Neuvillette combined with Furina, tomorrow she can become weaker than Dehya, and day after her kit can be reworked. Ask this question after preload.
this is literally the weakest and most useless c6 of all the latest characters. I’m not talking about the research part, I’m talking about the damage. She gets absolutely nothing from it. It’s just a scam. It’s a shame.
I saved up for c6 for so long to be on par with people who have c2.
Don’t jinx it. I don’t want her C2 and C6 switched up, lmao.
Man, just by understanding what c2 makes you can see thats non-sense, with c2 you can select from, reducing enemy 20% def or buffing you normal and charged attacks depending if youre playing her on-field or off-field, but with c6 thats not needed anymore, both buffs for on-field, and a extra dmg and pyro application when off-field, that c6 is surely strong, if you dont believe me just use a dmg calculator and see the numbers. Basically the biggest difference, if u have her c2, and using her on-field u will not reduce 20% def from enemy’s. c6 will
Raiden is so powerful because she got the same treatment, her C2 is actually her C6.
20% Defense Shred just for existing makes her an insane support and pretty much kills her as a main carry if you care about efficiency.
C6 letting her be her own support and keeping that 20% Def shred turns her into a Carry again.
The Mavuika and Capitano fight vs Mavuika’s actually animations… When she was battling Capitano, they were fighting with swords. And she punched him in the chest. And she sent all those missiles or something after him. She literally turned into fire herself. I expected so much cool firey stuff and all we get is a motorcycle? Even her off field E is so lame.
Your life is also a disappointment btw haha
Get a job and help your family lil bro
Ironic that you can’t take the obvious ragebait of anime mommy no.26263638272633619. Maybe stop thinking trolls on the internet is like you and be a better person?
Yeah Mavuika’s design and usage of the bike is so damn ugly. Like why would anyone even want to use that? Ew.
Had no idea she’d be the leader of the natlan nationalist party considering how important other natlan characters are for her functionality. What’s the genshin equivalent of poland?